Have you ever played "Mortal Kombat"? If you have you know that after you beat your opponent and they are helpless the game implores you to "Finish Him". When this part of the game comes up you can simply wait it out, hit the person or lastly, and most gratifying, you can perform a fatality. Fatalities are a complicated series of button presses that caused your character to perform a awesome killing move to "finish" your opponent. Now, if you apply this concept to the sexy time!!! (yes) then you can also, in your everyday life, perform a fatality and "finish her" properly.
Let me set the stage for you.... You have been giving your lady friend the business for awhile now. She's sweating, her skin is flushed, hair is everywhere. Maybe she's already reached the climax word to Usher and you are still going. You know it's building up to another REMIX!!!! when you realize it's time. She can't fight anymore, she's dazed. You know what should be flashing through your mind? FINISH HER....
Now some of you might be thinking "but token, you don't HAVE to do a fatality when she's about to be done anyway". If you do think that, stop reading my blog! You can have all the pedestrian sexy time (yes) that you want. This here is for those trying to take it to another level, but I digress....
You could just wait it out, you could just press "X" and hit them to end it OR, in the ultimate display of skill you can unleash a fatality that will bring her to her end in spectacular fashion. There are many ways to achieve this but you gotta have a favorite one, don't have one? Well you're in luck my boy!!! Pick her up.
Now don't fireman carry her, make her wrap those legs around your waist and arms around your neck press down, back, forward, square, circle, back lift her up like the man you are and perform a fatality!!!! From here you have all you need to finish her properly in a way she's not going to soon forget. For an added level, hook your arms around those legs my boy! I mean the under the knee area. This way you have more movement possibilities. You can move her up and down and side to side, all the while not compromising the throxing! If you happen to get tired, rest her on your thigh area.
Just so you know, there is more to this but what do I look like being out here giving away all of my secrets!!! Some of this stuff you need to just find out for yourself! Go to practice mode and experiment with different ways to make this the best fatality. Who knows, in a few weeks I might come back and bless y'all with some fatalities.
*** Please note: This fatality is suitable only for those strong enough to perform it. If you're not very strong or haven't hit the gym in the last decade or so do this with caution. If you drop your woman cause you're not strong enough she will never be able to look you in the eye ever again.... I don't blame her.