Yo... I have arguably the most powerful phone ever heretofore unleashed onto the the human race. I know some of ya'll have the Iphone 4.3 5 or WhatEverTheHeckTheyTryingToPassOffAsNewTheseDays. Let me just put out right the eff now... Token doesn't give, half a frack, about what phone you have, as long as that device makes your feel supoerior to everone else helps you call and dial. The reason that I'm writing this post is that, as I stated earlier, I have arguably the most powerful phone on the planet Earth and they gave me this non sense phone to use. I do believe that I'm going to pretty much do a retroactive review of this phone, whilst I have a phone that does, roughly, 1million times the thing that this current phone does.
To start off, I have no idea what kind of phone this is... I would give you great American (and other nationalities) heroes a picture of this overpaid paperweight, but I don't know the kind... Hold on, I'm going to try and find a pic on google right now. It's just like this phone... Not quite, but madd close. This phone has SOOOOOO many buttons on it that I honestly can't keep track of. I don't know how I used to text madd people without looking at the screen because now navigating a simple menu baffles me, like I wasn't doing this 9 years ago... Where is technology going to go that merely a decade ago I had a device that fit in my hand that could almost literally reach ANYBODY ON THE PLANET, providing they also hand a hand held device and it's now obsolete.

I'm telling you. I currently use a phone that has accesss to the ENTIRE STORE OF HUMAN KNOWLEDGE ALMOST UP TO THIS POINT IN HUMANITY. Do you know how serious that is? Really though, do you know what Einstien, Gallieo, Capernicus, Tomas Aquanias, Edison, Telsa, LITERALY ANY OTHER GENIOUS, would have done with a phone that has access to the ENTIRE STORE OF HUMAN information would have done with device like I have? And what do I use it for? Mothersucking angry birds and whatnot. **bit of a digression, If you haven't noticed yet, I think I'm pretty fracking brilliant. Not like, species defining brilliant (but if I was that brilliant you would def hear about that too) but pretty smart. Sure I recognize my intellectual betters (semi often at that) but yea... Back to the lecture at hand** This device has 3 total buttons and a touch screen!!! WHAT IS THE AQUA BLUE HECK DID WE DO BEFORE TOUCH SCREENES. This might be because I've had an iphone or no phone since 2007. Just for added emphasis.... I currently have a phone that has pretty much ON DEMAND ACCESSES OF EVERY BIT AND PIECE OF SIGNIFICANT KNOWLEDGE THAT WE HUMAN BEINGS HAVE COME TO UNDERSTAND OVER OUR ENTIRE HISTORY OF THIS PLANET, and I find THAT easier to navigate than something that, pretty much, just calls and texts.
Just so ya'll know, I am hanging with the servant semi so hard right now that I'm in the hot tub when Prince Hakeem comes home to with the hot chick from McDowells**.
**Note: I am not at McDowells tonight. Neither have I been at McDowells.
**I am in no way, shape, or form dissing the phone that was given to me... This is simply critique of a technology that I have no used since I was a teenager against a technology that I use today. I'm that big ass Zack Morris phone wouldn't hold a candle to the Nokia phone that they gave me.... Just incase someone's panties went into a bunch.
I'm telling you. I currently use a phone that has accesss to the ENTIRE STORE OF HUMAN KNOWLEDGE ALMOST UP TO THIS POINT IN HUMANITY. Do you know how serious that is? Really though, do you know what Einstien, Gallieo, Capernicus, Tomas Aquanias, Edison, Telsa, LITERALY ANY OTHER GENIOUS, would have done with a phone that has access to the ENTIRE STORE OF HUMAN information would have done with device like I have? And what do I use it for? Mothersucking angry birds and whatnot. **bit of a digression, If you haven't noticed yet, I think I'm pretty fracking brilliant. Not like, species defining brilliant (but if I was that brilliant you would def hear about that too) but pretty smart. Sure I recognize my intellectual betters (semi often at that) but yea... Back to the lecture at hand** This device has 3 total buttons and a touch screen!!! WHAT IS THE AQUA BLUE HECK DID WE DO BEFORE TOUCH SCREENES. This might be because I've had an iphone or no phone since 2007. Just for added emphasis.... I currently have a phone that has pretty much ON DEMAND ACCESSES OF EVERY BIT AND PIECE OF SIGNIFICANT KNOWLEDGE THAT WE HUMAN BEINGS HAVE COME TO UNDERSTAND OVER OUR ENTIRE HISTORY OF THIS PLANET, and I find THAT easier to navigate than something that, pretty much, just calls and texts.
Just so ya'll know, I am hanging with the servant semi so hard right now that I'm in the hot tub when Prince Hakeem comes home to with the hot chick from McDowells**.
**Note: I am not at McDowells tonight. Neither have I been at McDowells.
**I am in no way, shape, or form dissing the phone that was given to me... This is simply critique of a technology that I have no used since I was a teenager against a technology that I use today. I'm that big ass Zack Morris phone wouldn't hold a candle to the Nokia phone that they gave me.... Just incase someone's panties went into a bunch.
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