I, like many other tokens out there have many friendlies of the lady type. Through my relationship with these women I have heard many, many, many tales of the various men they dated. The thing that never ever EVER ceases to amaze me is the pure amount of
**Note** I'm 100% sure I'll tell the story of this relationship at somepoint on this blog, mostly because it kinda defined my life from 20-24... Now, that story will not be told.... Know what? I might never tell this story cause, well you know... Frack her.
So, Ginger has married a guy who has REPEATEDLY cheated on her. Not only did he cheat but he did so in the brand new car that she just bought (Did I mention this reggin doesn't drive?). This reggin did this while she was preggo with his child. Here is the kicker she has known about this the WHOLE TIME. Wait.. There's more!!! He memorized her credit card number and spent thousands of dollars ON INTERNET PORN!!!!! WHO DOES THAT????? Oh, this isn't over a long period of time either, it's a few months. He once told her on Valentines day that they should break up and she can take care of the child. Oh, also, he brought his ex girlfriend into her house and his ex told Ginger that she was being selfish and he didn't want her.... IN HER OWN HOUSE!! Now, there are a lot of things you can tell me on the street and I'll have to wear it but you ain't sayin ish to me in my own house and I don't slap you so hard you wish your mother didn't make you... There is more to this story but those are the most scandalous details.
**Note again** I heard this 100% percent straight from her mouth.
That story is by far the worst I have ever heard with my own two ears. However, it is nowhere near all of it. I hear all the time about all this mess that people engage in and me, being the upstanding 20-something Token I am would never dream of doing stuff like this. That said, I can't help but wonder what exactly could I be getting away with scott free and suffer no reprisals. I really wish I would have known that I could have WILDLY disrespected her like that and stayed with her because my early 20's would have been ever more ridiculous then they already were.
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