Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Wait.... WHAT????

   So, incase you don't watch the news the real life Pedobear Jerry Sandusky got sentenced to 30 to 60 years in prison for his conviction on 45 counts of child sexual assault.... Let that sink in for a minute.... 45 counts of child sexual assault and he gets LESS THAN 2 YEARS FOR EACH? Come on Justice system!!! How in the name of everything sacred and profane does you get less than 2 years per child that you abused sexually? Despite whatever mitigating circumstances that someone can come up with at the end of the day the lives of AT LEAST 45 people will never, ever be the same.
   But token, what mitigating circumstances could there be for such a reprehensible person??? Well, Sandusky is in his later 60's so for all intents and purposes (as foxnews.com so eloquently put it) Sandusky will die in jail. So even at it's minimum, Sandusky was given a life sentence. Furthermore, it's not very likely that he will get out on his first iteration of parole Like Morgan Freeman in Shawshank so he would certainly be in his 100's by the time he would likely see parole. So at the very least he will pay for this for the rest of his life.
  Everything else I've said here aside.... THIS MAN ABUSED CHILDREN AND DESERVES TO DIE. You molest a handful of kids I can think that maybe you can be reformed... Maybe. You molest TWO STARTING FOOTBALL TEAMS WORTH OF KIDS and you deserve to die. No, he shouldn't get taxpayer funded jail or prison you just need to die. He is no longer fit to share our air. This isn't even a case where the normal opposition to the death penalty! Even if say, 20 children are lying there is still 25 children whose lives he's ruined. Think about that somemore... if 20 kids, a whole classroom full of kids, are lying there is still another larger classroom of kids he still molested. In some small towns he molested ALL the children. 

   I'm not even going to touch on the obvious "what would have happened if he was black" debate that I am sure will rage on the internet. I don't care about that because it's a moot point to me.

Saturday, October 6, 2012

Manly, Man Stuff pt1

   You ever sit back and wonder what the qualifications for being a man are, or rather should be? Are you tired of hearing grown males profess to be "men" but are clearly lacking in the skills needed to be a man? I see this all the time and it really worries me. I really don't know who to blame. Blaming the media and their constant assualt on manhood just seems to clique to me. I think the blame for such putrid levels of manlyness in our society squarely on the shoulders of our elder men. How else are boys going to learn to be men without a proper example. Anyway, here is a exhaustive  list of 5 qualities/ skills that every man should have.

1. Change a tire
   This should be a no brainer. You ARE NOT a man if you don't know how to change a tire on your car... Period. If you blow a tire are you going to have your lady get out and change it? If you said yes to this stop reading this blog, put on a skirt and have a tea party sweetie cause you have no purpose here.

2. Grill
   Possibly the oldest and most quintessential aspect of manhood from prehistoric times onward. Look, you need to know how to take a piece of bloody meat, put it on a fire and make it edible. In the days of our manly, testosterone driven forefathers this was a necessity of life, if you couldn't make that mammoth you just killed edible then you were going to starve to death. Today, grilling just needs to be done. A man should be the master of his own girl. Unless you have been drinking heavily and there is a more sober person around you need to be the master of your grill chief. I will judge the hell out of you if I come to your cookout and you aren't the master of your grill... If you call yourself a man and can't grill, put a dress on and be done with it.

3. Cry
    If someone ever tells you that men aren't supposed to cry is selling you a whole crock of boo boo. If you internalize your emotions and don't cry every now and again you're going to get a kidney stone or cancer or some horrible thing like that. (Did you know you have to pee those stones out?? PEE A STONE????) As the great philosopher Joe Budden said "tears are words the mouth can't speak". Sometimes you need to just let your emotions out and you can't always vocalize it. As a man when you feel the need to deal with those emotions you deal with them as healthy as you can (crying is authorized) and then you MAN THE EFF UP and begin the work to fix things. However, DO NOT get it twisted, you can't be out here getting all misty eyed at the end of the notebook or something... If I catch you crying at some ridiculous love story you will never hear the end of it.

4.  Handle your liquor
    Look man, you need to be able to handle your liquor. ESPECIALLY being a token. First of all, white folks drink different than black people do. I'm not really sure why, it's certainly odd. You know how Dave Chappelle said never pass out around white people? Well that is true, you will get drawn on or balls in your face/ mouth. Why that shit occurs is beyond me... What possess a man to place his balls in the facial region of another passed out man??? Anyway, back to manly man stuff, you need to be able to handle your liquor because it's just not a good look for a man to be sloppy drunk and acting stupid (non bachelor party/ drinking holiday related).

5. Fight

    Fighting is not a good thing. Nobody will say that it's good to use violence to solve your problems. That said, sometimes it has to come to fisticuffs and you need to be prepared for that. A key element of manhood is knowing yourself and a fight or two is a good way to know exactly what you have. Do you have a glass jaw? Can you take a punch? These are all things that you need to know. If you know you have a glass jaw then you should probably just tell your girl to shut up with that big guy invariably disrespects her (or is talking to loud for her in a movie... A story will probably be told on that later days). If you know you can take a punch and deliver one equally well there are few better confidence builders, knowing that you are secure with just your hands. Now, don't go out to your local watering hole and pick a fight, join fight club and NEVER talk about it go to a gym and take up boxing or muy thai or jujitzu. There you can get trained in how to fight, get your ass kicked and kick some ass. Trust me, it's rewarding.

So there you have it, a gift from the token to you about what the things you need to know to me a man. There is more, lots more, a mans job is never done. There are always things that we men can continually be improving on to make us better. Stay tuned, pt 2 is coming soon.

Friday, October 5, 2012

I can get away with WHAT???

   To start this off I want to shoutout my ex (henceforth refered to as ginger) who prolly sayin f#$k me so shoutout to the sex. Through the wonders of creeping on facebook I found out that she got married. Without this story (which will be explained) I would have no impetus for this post.

   I, like many other tokens out there have many friendlies of the lady type. Through my relationship with these women I have heard many, many, many tales of the various men they dated. The thing that never ever EVER ceases to amaze me is the pure amount of bullhoey stuff that women will put up with. I am always, shocked that women will excuse and still stay with men who lie, cheat, emotionally and physically abuse and steal from woman. But let's get to this hilarious story.

  **Note** I'm 100% sure I'll tell the story of this relationship at somepoint on this blog, mostly because it kinda defined my life from 20-24... Now, that story will not be told.... Know what? I might never tell this story cause, well you know... Frack her.

   So, Ginger has married a guy who has REPEATEDLY cheated on her. Not only did he cheat but he did so in the brand new car that she just bought (Did I mention this reggin doesn't drive?). This reggin did this while she was preggo with his child. Here is the kicker she has known about this the WHOLE TIME. Wait.. There's more!!! He memorized her credit card number and spent thousands of dollars ON INTERNET PORN!!!!! WHO DOES THAT????? Oh, this isn't over a long period of time either, it's a few months. He once told her on Valentines day that they should break up and she can take care of the child. Oh, also, he brought his ex girlfriend into her house and his ex told Ginger that she was being selfish and he didn't want her.... IN HER OWN HOUSE!! Now, there are a lot of things you can tell me on the street and I'll have to wear it but you ain't sayin ish to me in my own house and I don't slap you so hard you wish your mother didn't make you... There is more to this story but those are the most scandalous details.

**Note again** I heard this 100% percent straight from her mouth.

   That story is by far the worst I have ever heard with my own two ears. However, it is nowhere near all of it.  I hear all the time about all this mess that people engage in and me, being the upstanding 20-something Token I am would never dream of doing stuff like this. That said, I can't help but wonder what exactly could I be getting away with scott free and suffer no reprisals. I really wish I would have known that I could have WILDLY disrespected her like that and stayed with her because my early 20's would have been ever more ridiculous then they already were.