Friday, March 29, 2013

Token thoughts: Women and masculinity

           I don’t know if anybody else has noticed this or if it’s just me (probably just me) but I have seen an awful lot of advice about being a man/ masculinity floating around the Internet. What I find odd is that the VAST majority of this advice is coming directly from women. Why are women, overwhelmingly, telling men about how to be a man/ masculine? What are the reasons for this? Could this be beneficial or detrimental to a generation that is already growing up soft as hell? The most important question is WHERE ARE THE MEN? My first assumption into why women are the ones waving the flag of advice for young men is fatherlessness.
 I was blessed to have a father in my home growing up, as did most of my friend group so I cannot comment first hand on the effects of fatherlessness. That said, I did get to see the effects of fatherlessness in my community and how negatively it affected the various communities that I grew up in. Let me be CLEAR this is no slight on the phenomenal women who are raising and have raised male children on their own, just that there are some things that a man is best suited to teach a boy. I think that we have a generation, more aptly generations, of men who have not stepped up to the plate to father their children. Women have been so used to being both parents at once that giving advice on how to be a man is becoming neigh second nature. Maybe, just maybe if men stepped up to the plate and raise our sons we wouldn’t have this problem.
The issue of fatherlessness brings up a point that bears mentioning. Since we have a generation of men who were raised by women, do they even know how to be men? MY answer is an overwhelming yes. My father did not have a father growing up in the home yet he was able to teach me many valuable lessons as much as I hated it at the time. Outside of my father I was blessed to have many men around me who taught me the same, Mr. Williams, Mr. Jones, Mr. Naeher being a few names that pop most readily in my mind as men who taught me how to be a man. Is it that I was blessed growing up? Sure not everybody got to grow up under such great men but I’m sure there are great men out there molding young men into excellence. These men, while explicitly teaching me things about being a man did much more for me than teach, it was the example that they set.
Leading by example is the most important quality in a leader. You don’t have to tell people what they should be doing when you are living it. THAT is what men need to do. If we are living the right way we are teaching our sons, nephews, brothers and peers the correct way to live. We might not be intentionally teaching a generation of young men how to grow up and be a man but we are doing it nonetheless. When we lay our hands on a woman it sends a message to the next generation that it’s OK to lay hands on a woman. When we are strung out on drugs it sends a message to the next generation that it is OK to be strung out on drugs. If we want women to stop teaching our sons how to be a man then we need to become the teachers.
This new generation is soft as hell. Kids are growing up with no concept of what makes a man. I don’t know the reason and if I did this blog would get way more traffic and I’d be rich. What I do know is that we need men to start stepping up and setting an example about what is OK and what’s not OK. Have a discussion, set an example do something because we cannot allow women to be the sole voice in how the next generation of men will be raised. Don’t just preach what being a man is about, live it.

Sunday, March 24, 2013

High Thinking!!

   I am sure that I'm not the only person that probably thinks of themselves a little higher than I accurately am. I'm probably a little more ugly, unsuccessful, stupid, ignorant and unathletic than I give myself credit for. I like to think of myself and doing pretty well with respects to all of those things listed but I'm pretty sure I'm not close to reaching that standard. The question that I ask myself all the time "Is that a bad thing"?

   Seriously, is it really a bad thing that people think that they are a little better than they really are? If you step on a basketball, football, tennis, soccer if you're a woman, golf playing surface and you don't know in your mind that you can win you've already lost the first battle. you're probably about to get dominated and you don't even know it yet. In your mind you NEED to know that you can win. I don't care who I play, I'm going to think I could win (with some obvious exceptions). Maybe there are some things that I know I do better than the other person and I should focus on that, or I will take away something that my opponent does well to increase my chances of winning. My psychology of knowing I can win allows me a way to win. This doesn't just apply to sports, it's applications are WAY more important and prevalent in your regular everyday life.

   The main thing of thinking of yourself a little more highly than you ought is that you'll have more confidence!!! When you're walking into that job interview you will not only have to explain how they need you but you'll fully believe why this company needs your intellect and skill set. When you approach that nice young lady/man ladyboy if you're into that kinda stuff at the bar you will do so with confidence. Of course she/ he whatever it was when it was born will like you and enjoy your company because you are attractive and interesting and witty and whateverelse people look for in a person I'm to attractive to have to actually be likable. Everybody knows confidence is sexy and more than sexy, confidence projects an air that you know what you're doing and can get done whatever needs to.

   I do caution that people are not going to like it. I've already discussed haters and what that means. People don't like people doing positive things that they themselves are not prepared to do. They will offer to give you a more accurate assessment of what they think you can do and who you think you are. Pay no attention to the vast majority of this criticism. Asses yourself and your talents and put them into application. You're the only person that can live your life and you certainly do not need people trying to bring you down in your circle. It's neigh impossible to get an accurate assessment of yourself from you or others so you might as well think you're better than you really are than perpetually underestimating yourself. I live you with the question "Would you rather be underpaid or overrated"?

Did that Title rope you in? I hope it did!

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Token Religion pt2.

    TWO RELIGION POSTS IN A ROW???? I hope you don't think I'm trying to preach at you but if you think that too frickin bad!! It's my blog!!!! I just felt there was a little unsaid in my previous post.

    If you didn't ask me about religion or really know me pretty well you would never know that I'm religious. I currently have 3 sets of "dog tags". One set says "jedi knight" another "Buddhism" and the set that I keep in my wallet and boot says "protestant" (I think, it's a little worn). Anyway, I normally live a life of complete ridicullum that is noticeably "unchristian". I've probably committed ALL of the sins repeatedly by now outside of murder and adultery (one of my few morals is "no married chicks"). Even the advice I give is so very rarely christian advice.
    I'm pretty sure I'm not much different than my peers in this respect. There is a certain person group of people I would go to if I wanted advice tinged with a christian response. I normally check with her them to make sure I'm not about to engage in something that's otherworldly foul.

That's it really... Hope this made sense. 

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Token Religion

   I believe in GOD the Father, Son and Holy spirit and that Jesus is my savior. He died on Calvary and rose again 3 days later. I also believe that all religious worship some form of the same being and/ or call Him different things. Muslims call my god Allah, Jews call my GOD Yaweah. Other religious (like Hinduism) worship different aspects of the being I call GOD. A little backstory here, I was raised in the church pretty much my whole life, I got baptized really young. I'm the son of a pastor and I am the only boy who could ever teach you.
   Over the last few years I have been passionately disinterested in religion. That isn't to say uninterested, just disinterested. If you asked me about my religious views I would have no qualms in tell you about it, sometimes neigh witnessing to you (I hope I've never broached into that annoying witnessing). I haven't really prayed unless I was in some kind of dire straits and needed some kind of help. I've ventured so far as to call myself an agnostic but whenever I pray I always knew I praying to, at the very least, the GOD of Abraham, Issac and Jacob.
    This kinda changed yesterday. I'm not really sure why, or what happened but as I was sitting down for dinner I felt the urge to pray over my food. Again, there was no impetus for this. I'm not doing bad by any measure. I just simply felt the need to pray. I again prayed last night before I went to bed and this morning when I woke up. It mostly seemed to be just a conversation with GOD, I suppose bordering on praise and thanksgiving. I'm not entirely sure because it's not something that I am used to doing at all, things like non worship praise have always been things that other religious people talk about that I've just learned how to join in on the conversation. I suppose it's close to someone using a word you don't know and you figuring it out from context clues.
   I've also sung gospel songs to myself. Sometimes out loud and sometimes just to myself, all of this at random times... Now that I think about it I did go TO a church to move books and we were jokingly quoting scriptures, that's the closest thing to a reason that I have for this new found feeling.
    You've probably guessed by now that there really isn't a theme to this post. I figure it's about my spiritual journey and since the blog is Token Travels I figure it fits! But yea, normally I don't pray unless I need something or something serious is going on in my life, this time it's different. I suppose I could just be talking to the voices in my head and not some divine entity but I'm willing to be it's GOD.  

Saturday, March 16, 2013

Haters and you

You got a phD (Playa hater degree)

    Just in case you don't know what a hater is, you should probably stop reading my blog... Clearly you're not in my target demographic Just kidding I'll take all the readers I can get. Anyway, it seems that all the time over the last 10ish years people have been talking about "Haters" or people "Hating on them". This post doesn't concern either of them. What I am more concerned about is the motive behind the haters. Not the fact that you got crazy paper or a fly car or some nonsense. We must go deeper blogception.
    I don't know if you've ever noticed but..... Nobody hates on people they are doing better than. If they do then you just might be measuring "success" wrong. Whenever people are hating on someone they are almost exclusively hating on someone or something that is doing better than them. It's almost a form of jealous. I don't think it is strictly because they want what you have, more than they want to bring out down so that they feel better about their lot in life. Whenever I feel people hating on me I ask myself, what's going on in their life that makes them want to bring me down? Seems easy enough right? Sometimes it sucks.How you ask? I have the perfect example, sit down and pop a molly open a bag of chips cause I'm about to tell a story.
   So the other day I had just got finished praying for death in a workout that involved doing "double unders" with a jump rope. At the conclusion on the workout there was a person who was casualy doing all sorts of silly moves with a jump rope which I had, 30 mins before, failed miserably at. I found myself making fun of this person who was contentedly jump roping with no regard for my feelings. Furthermore, he was doing well at it! Sill I was clowning him and questioning his manhood, saying that it takes a big man to practice jump roping in the gym. This is neigh IMMEDIATELY after struggling and knowing how difficult it is.

   My whole theory of haters came full circle to me that day. It occurred to me that the SOLE reason that I was hating on this man was because I couldn't do what he was doing. He was doing better than me and I needed to make myself feel better by bringing him down a couple pegs. Meanwhile, I'm sure he was paying me absolute zero mind while I was failing at the jumprope and praying for death during the workout. I really had to look at myself and figure out my own deficiencies. Lately, I've been noticing when I hate on people that I need to check myself and figure out what my particular deficiency is.

   I hope my thoughts and personal struggles help you out a little bit. Next time you feel yourself about to hate on someone, stop and think "What is deficient in my life that is causing me to want to hate on this person". I know I will be.